Engaging students and families is always a focal point for educators, but especially now in the distance learning reality we’re living in. To dig into the question of how we truly connect and engage from afar, I spoke with Alex Kajitani, a California Teacher of the Year who is also known as The Rappin’ Mathematician.
Alex started writing original rap songs about math concepts to connect with his students, and quickly saw how effective it was in getting the concepts to stick. He now travels around the U.S. inspiring other educators, so I wanted to share his insights and tips for engaging students and families virtually.
The following are the 7 tips he has for teachers, parents and administrators:
Ask yourself, what is the point of education? Is it to prepare students for the workforce, provide a happy childhood or the skills they can use to pursue their dreams? Let’s come to an agreement and start to reimagine what’s possible.
Give students choice in their learning. Have them explore the point of their education, and have a say and control over what they learn. With purpose and focus, how might their day-to-day experiences change?
Rhythms over routines. Remove the pressures of a time clock and allow kids to move through a rhythm that suits their energy, attention and interests.
Community over content. How can we have our students engage with one another vs. just completing an assignment? Focus on interaction and building community, which not only helps with their learning but social-emotional wellness.
Check in consistently. Teachers check in with students by making phone calls, mailing notes or having conversations over video. Administrators regularly check in with teacher and staff members to assess their needs and offer support.
Communicate effectively and simply. Be real and authentic, reassuring the community that we’re going to get through this together.
Imagine if…when our students return to campus, they return as voracious readers, more compassionate human beings or having mastered their times tables. What if things never go back to the way they were? What would we want for our students if we were to imagine that?
Alex Kajitani, aka The Rappin’ Mathematician, is the 2009 California Teacher of the Year. He's the creator of MultiplicationNation.com, an author and speaker. His songs, videos and online programs are being used in home and classrooms around the world to engage kids in math. Follow his work at alexkajitani.com.
He also created wackymathhour.com to support parents teaching math at home and to keep kids motivated and engaged. It’s live, interactive and happening Tuesday mornings at 9:00am Pacific. Register free.